\name{extractAffyids} \alias{extractAffyids} \title{ Extracting probe ids associated to a specific Gene Ontology term } \description{ It is possible to identify the affy ids associated to a specific GO term using the extractAffyids function. } \usage{ extractAffyids() } \details{ The function asks to the user to select a file containing probe set ids separated by carriage return. The file should contain only one column and no header. The user is also asked to select a specific GO term. The probe sets associated to the specific GO term will be annotated ans saved in a HTML file. } \author{Raffaele A. Calogero} \note{ For the annotation the annotation library associated to the raw data loaded in the affylmGUI environment is used. } \seealso{GOenrichment, plotGO} \keyword{ methods }