\name{fCumul} \alias{fCumul} \title{Parametric Function for the Cumulative Occupancy Distribution} \description{ Returns values for parameterized cumulative occupancy distributions. } \usage{ fCumul(x,b0,b1,b2) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Point to evaluate} \item{b0}{Parameter b0} \item{b1}{Parameter b1} \item{b2}{Parameter b2} } \details{ Function fitted to the cumulative occupancy distribution for a multinomial distribution. Exponential model := b0-b1*exp(-b2*x). } \value{Returns a numeric} \references{See the book chapter O. Will (**) in **} \author{Oliver Will \email{owill4@yahoo.com}} \examples{ x <- 2 b0 <- 3 b1 <- 3 b2 <- 0.01 val <- fCumul(x,b0,b1,b2) } \keyword{models}