\name{checkFormat} \alias{checkFormat} \title{Checks the Format of Annotation and Insertions} \description{ Checks the format of the annotation and insertions. } \usage{ checkFormat(anno,clone) } \arguments{ \item{anno}{2-column matrix of annotation} \item{clone}{vector} } \details{Checks the format of the annotation and insertions list. Annotation has to be a matrix of the first and last target in the ORF. Insertions has to be a vector. Will stop if not correct format.} \value{Returns a boolean.} \references{See the book chapter O. Will (**) in **} \author{Oliver Will \email{owill4@yahoo.com}} \examples{ data(sampleAnnotation) data(sampleInsertions) anno <- cbind(sampleAnnotation$first,sampleAnnotation$last) clone <- sampleInsertions$position if (checkFormat(anno,clone)) {print("Looks good.");} } \keyword{attribute}