\name{binInsertHist} \alias{binInsertHist} \title{Insert Locations Quickly} \description{ Given a list of locations, returns the number of ORFs hit. } \usage{ binInsertHist(insert,orfHist,returnCounts=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{insert}{List of insertion locations} \item{orfHist}{Histogram breakpoints} \item{returnCounts}{Return the number of insertions} } \details{ Finds the number of ORFs that have an insertion given a list of locations. If the returnCounts flag is true, the function returns the number of insertions per ORF. Uses the function hist for gains in speed. } \value{Returns a numeric or an object} \references{See the book chapter O. Will (**) in ** } \author{Oliver Will \email{owill4@yahoo.com}} \examples{ # ** } \seealso{binHist} \keyword{iteration}