\name{maNormNN} \alias{maNormNN} \title{Intensity and spatial normalization using robust neural networks fitting} \description{This function normalizes a batch of cDNA arrays by removing the intensity and spatial dependent bias. } \usage{ maNormNN(mbatch,w=NULL,binWidth=3,binHeight=3,model.nonlins=3,iterations=100,nFolds=10,maplots=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{mbatch}{A \code{marrayRaw} or \code{marrayNorm} batch of arrays. } \item{w}{Weights to be assigned to each spot. If provided, it should be a vector with the same length as maNspots(mbatch). } \item{binWidth}{Width of the bins in the \eqn{X} direction (spot column) in which the print tip will be divided in order to account for spatial variation. Max value is \code{maNsc(mbatch)}, Min value is 1. However if it is set to a number larger than \code{maNsc(mbatch)/2} (so less than two bins in \eqn{X} direction) the variable \eqn{X} will not be used as predictor to estimate the bias. } \item{binHeight}{Height of the bins in the \eqn{Y} direction (spot row)in which the print tip will be divided in order to account for spatial variation. Max value is \code{maNsr(mbatch)}, Min value is 1. However if it is set to a number larger than \code{maNsr(mbatch)/2} (so less than two bins in \eqn{Y} direction) the variable \eqn{Y} will not be used as predictor to estimate the bias. } \item{model.nonlins}{Number of nodes in the hidden layer of the neural network model. } \item{iterations}{The number of iterations at which (if not converged) the training of the neural net will be stopped. } \item{nFolds}{Number of cross-validation folds. It represents the number of equal parts in which the data from a print tip is divided into: the model is trained on nFolds-1 parts and the bias is estimated for one part at the time. Higher values improve the results but increase the computation time. Ideal values are between 5 and 10. } \item{maplots}{If set to \code{"TRUE"} will produce a \eqn{M-A} plot for each slide before and after normalization. } \item{verbose}{If set to \code{"TRUE"} will show the output of the nnet function which is training the neural network models. } } \details{This function uses neural networks to model the bias in cDNA data sets. } \value{ A \code{marrayNorm} object containing the normalized log ratios. See \code{marrayNorm} class for details } } \examples{ # Normalization of swirl data data(swirl) # print-tip, intensity and spatial normalization of the first slide in swirl data set swirlNN<-maNormNN(swirl[,1]) #do not consider spatial variations, and display M-A plots before and after normalization swirlNN<-maNormNN(swirl[,1],binWidth=maNsc(swirl),binHeight=maNsr(swirl),maplots=TRUE) } \author{Tarca, A.L.} \references{ A. L. Tarca, J. E. K. Cooke, and J. Mackay. Robust neural networks approach for spatial and intensity dependent normalization of cDNA data. Bioinformatics. 2004,submitted.\cr } \seealso{\code{\link{compNorm}},\code{nnet}} \keyword{smooth} \keyword{robust}