\name{transitive.projections} \alias{transitive.projections} \alias{CheckEdge} \alias{remTwoEdges} \alias{transSubGr} \alias{EdgeEk} \alias{distdecrease} \alias{distsame} \alias{distincrease} \alias{distincrease1} \alias{OneNeighborhood} \alias{TwoNeighborhood} \alias{ThreeNeighborhood} \alias{FourNeighborhood} \alias{VecToMat} \alias{is.transitive} \title{Computes the transitive approximation of a directed graph} \description{ Computes the transitive approximation of a graph. The transitive approximation of a graph is a graph that is "almost" transitively closed and has minimal distance to the input graph. } \usage{ transitive.projections(adjmat) } \arguments{ \item{adjmat}{graphNEL object or adjacency matrix.} } \value{ returns adjacency matrices and having minimal graph distance to the input graph matrix } \author{Juby Jacob} \seealso{\code{\link{transitive.projections}}} \keyword{graphs}