\name{score} \alias{score} \alias{print.score} \alias{PhiDistr} \title{Computes the marginal likelihood of phenotypic hierarchies} \description{ Function to compute the marginal likelihood of a set of phenotypic hierarchies. } \usage{ score(models, D, type="mLL", para=NULL, hyperpara=NULL, Pe=NULL, Pm=NULL, lambda=0, delta=1, verbose=TRUE, graphClass="graphNEL") \method{print}{score}(x, ...) PhiDistr(Phi, Pm, a=1, b=0.5) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{models}{ a list of adjacency matrices with unit main diagonal } \item{D}{ data matrix. Columns correspond to the nodes in the silencing scheme. Rows are effect reporters. } \item{type}{\code{mLL} or \code{FULLmLL} or \code{CONTmLL} or \code{CONTmLLBayes} or \code{CONTmLLMAP}. \code{CONTmLLDens} and \code{CONTmLLRatio} are identical to \code{CONTmLLBayes} and \code{CONTmLLMAP} and are still supported for compatibility reasons. \code{mLL} and \code{FULLmLL} are used for binary data (see \code{BoutrosRNAiDiscrete}) and \code{CONTmLL} for a matrix of effect probabilities. \code{CONTmLLBayes} and \code{CONTmLLMAP} are used, if log-odds ratios, p-value densities or any other model specifies effect likelihoods. \code{CONTmLLBayes} refers to an inference scheme, were the linking positions of E-genes to S-Genes are integrated out, and \code{CONTmLLMAP} to an inference scheme, were a MAP estimate for the linking positions is calculated.} \item{para}{Vector with parameters \code{a} and \code{b} (for "mLL" with count data)} \item{hyperpara}{Vector with hyperparameters \code{a0}, \code{b0}, \code{a1}, \code{b1} for "FULLmLL"} \item{Pe}{prior position of effect reporters. Default: uniform over nodes in silencing scheme} \item{Pm}{prior on model graph (n x n matrix) with entries 0 <= priorPhi[i,j] <= 1 describing the probability of an edge between gene i and gene j.} \item{lambda}{regularization parameter to incorporate prior assumptions.} \item{delta}{regularization parameter for automated E-gene subset selection (CONTmLLRatio only)} \item{verbose}{output while running or not} \item{graphClass}{output inferred graph either as graphNEL or matrix} \item{x}{nem object} \item{...}{other arguments to pass} \item{Phi}{adjacency matrix} \item{a}{parameter of the inverse gamma prior for v=1/lambda} \item{b}{parameter of the inverse gamma prior for v=1/lambda} } \details{ Scoring models by marginal log-likelihood is implemented in function \code{score}. Input consists of models and data, the type of the score (\code{"mLL"}, \code{"FULLmLL"}, \code{"CONTmLL"} or \code{"CONTmLLBayes"} or \code{"CONTmLLMAP"}), the corresponding paramters (\code{para}) or hyperparameters (\code{hyperpara}), a prior for phenotype positions (\code{Pe}) and model structures \code{Pm} with regularization parameter \code{lambda}. If a structure prior \code{Pm} is provided, but no regularization parameter \code{lambda}, Bayesian model averaging with an inverse gamma prior on 1/lambda is performed. With type "CONTmLLMAP" usually an automated selection of most relevant E-genes is performed by introducing a "null" S-gene. The corresponding prior probability of leaving out an E-gene is set to delta/no. S-genes. \code{score} is usually called within function \code{nem}. } \value{ nem object } \references{ \item{[1]}{Markowetz F, Bloch J, Spang R, Non-transcriptional pathway features reconstructed from secondary effects of RNA interference, Bioinformatics, 2005.} \item{[2]}{Markowetz F, Probabilistic Models for Gene Silencing Data, PhD thesis, Free University Berlin, 2006.} \item{[3]}{Froehlich H, Fellmann M, Sueltmann H, Poustka A, Beissbarth T: Estimating Large Scale Signaling Networks through Nested Effects Models from Intervention Effects in Microarray Data. Bioinformatics, 1, 2008.} \item{[4]}{Froehlich H, Fellmann M, Sueltmann H, Poustka A, Beissbarth T: Large Scale Statistical Inference of Signaling Pathways from RNAi and Microarray Data, BMC Bioinformatics, 8:386, 2007.} } \author{Holger Froehlich , Florian Markowetz } \seealso{\code{\link{nem}}, \code{\link{mLL}}, \code{\link{FULLmLL}}, \code{\link{enumerate.models}} } \examples{ # Drosophila RNAi and Microarray Data from Boutros et al, 2002 data("BoutrosRNAi2002") D <- BoutrosRNAiDiscrete[,9:16] # enumerate all possible models for 4 genes models <- enumerate.models(unique(colnames(D))) # score models with marginal likelihood result <- score(models,D,type="mLL",para=c(.13,.05)) # plot graph of the best model plot(result,what="graph") # plot scores plot(result,what="mLL") # plot posterior of E-gene positions according to best model plot(result,what="pos") # MAP estimate of effect positions for the best model result$mappos } \keyword{models}