\name{nem.discretize} \alias{nem.discretize} \title{Discretize perturbation data according to control experiments} \description{discretizes raw data to define effects of interventions with respect to wildtype/control measurements} \usage{ nem.discretize(D,neg.control=NULL,pos.control=NULL,nfold=2,cutoff=0:10/10, pCounts=20, empPval=.05, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{D}{matrix with experiments as columns and effect reporters as rows} \item{neg.control}{either indices of columns in \code{D} or a matrix with the same number of rows as \code{D}} \item{pos.control}{either indices of columns in \code{D} or a matrix with the same number of rows as \code{D}} \item{nfold}{fold-change between neg. and pos. controls for selecting effect reporters. Default: 2} \item{cutoff}{a (vector of) cutoff value(s) weighting the pos. controls versus the neg. controls. Default: 0:10/10} \item{pCounts}{pseudo-counts to guard against unreasonable low error estimates} \item{empPval}{empirical p-value cutoff for effects if only one control is available} \item{verbose}{Default: TRUE} } \details{ Chooses cutoff such that separation between negative and positive controls becomes optimal. } \value{ \item{dat}{discretized data matrix} \item{pos}{discretized positive controls [in the two-controls setting]} \item{neg}{discretized negative controls [in the two-controls setting]} \item{sel}{effect reporters selected [in the two-controls setting]} \item{cutoff}{error rates for different cutoff values [in the two-controls setting]} \item{para}{estimated error rates [in the two-controls setting]} } \references{Markowetz F, Bloch J, Spang R, Non-transcriptional pathway features reconstructed from secondary effects of RNA interference, Bioinformatics, 2005} \author{Florian Markowetz } \note{preliminary! will be developed to be more generally applicable} \seealso{\code{\link{BoutrosRNAi2002}}} \examples{ # discretize Boutros data as in # Markowetz et al, 2005 data("BoutrosRNAi2002") disc <- nem.discretize(BoutrosRNAiExpression,neg.control=1:4,pos.control=5:8,cutoff=.7) stopifnot(disc$dat==BoutrosRNAiDiscrete[,9:16]) } \keyword{graphs} \keyword{models}