\name{clr} \alias{clr} \title{Context Likelihood or Relatedness Network} \usage{clr( mim )} \arguments{ \item{mim}{A square matrix whose i,j th element is the mutual information between variables \eqn{Xi}{X_i} and \eqn{Xj}{X_j} - see \code{\link{build.mim}}.} } \value{ \code{clr} returns a matrix which is the weighted adjacency matrix of the network. In order to display the network, load the package Rgraphviz and use the following comand plot( as( returned.matrix ,"graphNEL") ) } \description{ \code{clr} takes the mutual information matrix as input in order to return the infered network - see details. } \details{ The CLR algorithm is an extension of relevance network. Instead of considering the mutual information \eqn{I(X_i;X_j)}{I(Xi;Xj)} between features \eqn{X_i}{Xi} and \eqn{X_j}{Xj}, it takes into account the score \eqn{\sqrt{z_i^2+z_j^2}}{sqrt(zi^2+zj^2)}, where \cr \deqn{ z_i = \max \bigg\lbrace 0, \frac{I(X_i;X_j)-\mu_i}{\sigma_i} \bigg\rbrace }{ zi = max( 0, ( I(Xi;Xj)-mean(Xi) )/sd(Xi) )} \cr and \eqn{\mu_i}{mean(Xi)} and \eqn{\sigma_i}{sd(Xi)} are, respectively, the mean and the standard deviation of the empirical distribution of the mutual information values \eqn{I(X_i;X_k)}{I(Xi,Xk)}, k=1,...,n. } \references{ Jeremiah J. Faith, Boris Hayete, Joshua T. Thaden, Ilaria Mogno, Jamey Wierzbowski, Guillaume Cottarel, Simon Kasif, James J. Collins, and Timothy S. Gardner. Large-scale mapping and validation of escherichia coli transcriptional regulation from a compendium of expression profiles. PLoS Biology, 2007. } \seealso{\code{\link{build.mim}}, \code{\link{aracne}}, \code{\link{mrnet}} } \examples{ data(syn.data) mim <- build.mim(discretize(syn.data)) net <- clr(mim) } \keyword{misc}