\name{em.draw} \alias{em.draw} \title{Plot of transformed expression produced by EM algorithm } \description{ Given a numeric vector, a plot of four panels is drawn: 1) fitted mixture distribution 2) transformed expression against original expression 3) histogram of original expression 4) progression of log-likelihood during the fit } \usage{ em.draw(vec, cl, threshold=0.0001) #em.draw(vec, cl=1-metastasis, threshold=0.0001) } \arguments{ \item{vec}{A numeric vector, especially a particular row of expression matrix } \item{cl}{A vector of 0s and 1s. Use 1 for normal phenotype and 0 for non-normal phenotype. If left blank, all samples will be labeled as normal phenotype. Normal component of mixture is estimated using samples with normal phenotype only. POE for samples with non-normal phenotype will be calculated after EM algorithm finishes ML estimation. } \item{threshold}{Crieterion for convergence in likelihood. } } \value{ A plot of four panels will appear upon the call. } \author{Debashis Ghosh , Hyungwon Choi } \examples{ } \keyword{internal}