\name{Zscore} \alias{Zscore} \title{Meta-analysis of Microarray Data from Different Platforms} \description{ This function calculates Z-score for each matched gene across all datasets. In each dataset, it performs local regression smoothing of mean vs variance. Z score is constructed by taking the ratio of weighted mean difference and combined standard deviation according to Box and Tiao (1992). } \usage{ Zscore(merged, pheno = NULL, permute = 0, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{merged}{\code{mergeExprSet} object that contains gene expression and class label with all datasets. Class label should consist of two unique elements. If pheno is NULL, first columns of phenoData from each \code{ExpressionSet} is sought as class labels. If a vector of particular column number in each data is specified, corresponding columns of phenoData will be considered for class labels.} \item{pheno}{A numeric vector specifying the location of class labels in phenoData from each \code{ExpressionSet}, a unit of \code{mergeExprSet} representing one dataset.} \item{permute}{If permute is 0, weighted Z-score will be referenced to standard normal distribution for two-sided p-value. Otherwise, columns of all datasets (each dataset separately) will be shuffled at random, from which a permutation distribution of Z-scores are formed and Z-scores are referenced to this distribution.} \item{verbose}{If verbose is TRUE, the progress of permutation will be reported.} } \value{ A data.frame with matched genes, Z-scores and p-values will result. } \references{J.Wang et al, Bioinformatics 2004 Nov 22;20(17):3166-78} \author{Debashis Ghosh , Hyungwon Choi } \examples{ # Zscore(merged, pheno=NULL, permute=10000, verbose=FALSE) } \keyword{internal}