\name{make.cdf.package} \alias{make.cdf.package} \title{CDF Environment Package Maker} \description{ This function reads an Affymetrix chip description file (CDF) and creates an R package that when loaded has the CDF environment available for use.} \usage{ make.cdf.package(filename, packagename = NULL, cdf.path = getwd(), package.path = getwd(), compress = FALSE, author = "The Bioconductor Project", maintainer = "Biocore Data Team ", version = packageDescription("makecdfenv", field="Version"), species = NULL, unlink = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Character. Filename of the CDF file - \bold{without} the path prefix!} \item{packagename}{Character. Name wanted for the package.} \item{cdf.path}{Character. Path to the CDF file.} \item{package.path}{Character. Path where the package will be created.} \item{compress}{Logical. If \code{TRUE}, CDF file is compressed.} \item{author}{Character. What to put in the \code{author} field of the package.} \item{maintainer}{Character. What to put in the \code{maintainer} field of the package.} \item{version}{Character. What to put in the version field. Should be a of the form \code{x.x.x}.} \item{species}{Character. Must be specified using the format e.g., Homo\_sapiens} \item{unlink}{Logical. If \code{TRUE}, and a package directory exists already in \code{package.path}, that is overwritten.} \item{verbose}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} messages are shown.} } \details{The function is called for its side effect, creating a package. By default the package name will be the name of the CDF file made lower case and with special characters removed (i.e. only alpha-numeric). In general one would want to use the name given in by \code{cleancdfname(abatch@cdfName)} with \code{abatch} an \code{\link[affy]{AffyBatch}} object obtained, for example, using \code{\link[affy]{ReadAffy}}. This is the package name that the \code{affy} package looks for by default. If the user has a CEL file, called \code{filename}, the recommended package name for the environment is \code{cleancdfname(whatcdf(filename))}. This usually coincides with the default. Please see the vignette for more details. } \value{ If success, the function returns the name of the created package. } \seealso{\code{\link{make.cdf.env}}} \author{Rafael A. Irizarry, Wolfgang Huber} \examples{ pkgpath <- tempdir() make.cdf.package("Hu6800.CDF.gz", cdf.path=system.file("extdata", package="makecdfenv"), compress=TRUE, species = "Homo_sapiens", package.path = pkgpath) dir(pkgpath) } \keyword{manip}