\name{maigesANOVA-class} \docType{class} \alias{maigesANOVA-class} \alias{maigesANOVA} \title{ maigesANOVA class, extend maiges class to fit ANOVA models } \description{ This class extends the class \code{\link{maiges}} adding two numerical matrices to fit ANOVA models and estimate parameters of interest. Additional to the existing slots of class \code{\link{maiges}} this class defines other two, described in \emph{Slots} section. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{Dmatrix}:}{numeric matrix describing the design matrix to fit an ANOVA model.} \item{\code{Cmatrix}:}{numeric matrix describing the contrasts matrix to estimate parameters and contrasts of interest, after the model fitting.} } } \details{ This class of objects is exactly the same as \code{\link{maiges}} with the two slots described in \emph{Slots} section. Objects of this class are generated from \code{\link{maiges}} class using the function \code{\link{designANOVA}}. So, it is possible to fit the model and estimate parameters or contrasts using the function \code{\link{deGenesANOVA}}. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: sub-setting operator for spots on the array or arrays in the batch, ensures that all slots are subset properly.} \item{boxplot}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: boxplot method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class. Display boxplots of the slides and print tip groups using package \emph{marray} or boxplots of one gene previously defined.} \item{dim}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA', value = 'numeric')}: get the dimensions of the object, numeric vector of length two.} \item{image}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: image method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class. Display colour representation of the slides using package \emph{marray}.} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: plot method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class. Display 'MA' plots.} \item{print}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: print method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class.} \item{show}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: show method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class.} \item{summary}{\code{signature(x = 'maigesANOVA')}: summary method for \code{\link{maigesANOVA}} class.} } } \seealso{ \code{\link{designANOVA}}, \code{\link{deGenesANOVA}}. } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves <\email{gesteves@vision.ime.usp.br}> } \keyword{classes}