\name{getLabels} \alias{getLabels.default} \alias{getLabels.maigesDE} \alias{getLabels.maigesDEcluster} \alias{getLabels.RGList} \alias{getLabels.MAList} \alias{getLabels.marrayRaw} \alias{getLabels.marrayNorm} \alias{getLabels} \title{ Method getLabels to pick gene and sample labels } \description{ Generic function \code{\link{getLabels}} to extract labels given an ID to genes or samples. } \usage{ getLabels(obj, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{default}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{maigesDE}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{maigesDEcluster}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{RGList}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{MAList}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{marrayRaw}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) \method{getLabels}{marrayNorm}(obj=NULL, labelID=NULL, sLabel=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{object to look for labels. Methods defined for classes \code{\link{maigesRaw}}, \code{\link{maiges}}, \code{\link{maigesDE}}, \code{\link{maigesDEcluster}}, \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}}, \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}}, \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}} and \code{\link[marray:marrayNorm-class]{marrayNorm}}.} \item{labelID}{character string with label name to be searched.} \item{sLabel}{logical indicating search in the sample labels, defaults to TRUE. If FALSE search is done for gene labels.} } \details{ The name of gene labels are done by the names of the slot \code{Glabels} in objects of classes \code{\link{maigesRaw}} or \code{\link{maiges}}, the slot \code{GeneInfo} in objects of classes \code{\link{maigesDE}} or \code{\link{maigesDEcluster}}, the slot \code{genes} in objects of classes \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}} or \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}} and the slot \code{maGnames@maInfo} in objects of classes \code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}} or \code{\link[marray:marrayNorm-class]{marrayNorm}}. Equivalently, the name of sample labels are done by the names of the slots \code{Slabels}, \code{SampleInfo}, \code{targets} and \code{maTargets@maInfo}. } \examples{ ## Loading dataset data(gastro) ## Getting the 'Tissue' label for samples in maigesRaw class object getLabels(gastro.raw, "Tissue", sLabel=TRUE) ## Getting the 'Type' label for samples in maigesNorm class object getLabels(gastro.summ, "Type", sLabel=TRUE) ## Getting the 'GeneName' label for genes (spots) in maigesRaw class object getLabels(gastro.raw, "GeneName", sLabel=FALSE) ## Getting the 'Annot' label for samples in maigesNorm class object getLabels(gastro.summ, "Annot", sLabel=FALSE) } \author{ Gustavo H. Esteves } \keyword{array}