\name{loaddatapkg} \alias{loaddatapkg} \title{Load data package} \description{ This function loads the data package, you need for seeing the demo and the examples. If you have already installed the data package, it will simply attach it via \code{library}. Otherwise it will try to download and install the package using functions from the package } \usage{ loaddatapkg(mydatapkg,installDir=.libPaths()[1]) } \arguments{ \item{mydatapkg}{Name of the data package to load as String} \item{installDir}{Directory, into which the new package will be installed, if is not already installed. Defaults to the first entry of the standard installation paths.} } \note{The package \code{stjudem} by now is a Bioconductor example data package, too. Thus, you can also install it using the \code{biocLite} function. Try the following: \code{source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R");biocLite("stjudem")} } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link[utils]{install.packages}}} \examples{ \dontrun{loaddatapkg("stjudem") # to load the data package "stjudem"} } \keyword{internal}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS