\name{edesignDR} \alias{edesignDR} \docType{data} \title{Experimental design with different replicates} \description{ \code{edesignDR} contains experimental set up of a replicated time course microarray experiment where rats were submitted to 3 different dosis of a toxic compound. A control and an placebo treatments are also present in the experiment. } \usage{data(edesignDR)} \format{ A matrix with 54 rows and 7 columns \describe{ rows [1:54] "Array1" "Array2" "Array3" "Array4" ... \newline columns [1:7] "Time" "Replicates" "Control" "Placebo" "Low" "Medium" "High" } } \details{ Arrays are given in rows and experiment descriptors are given in columns. Row names contain array names. \newline \code{"Time"} indicates the values that variable Time takes in each hybridization. \newline \code{"Replicates"} is an index indicating replicate hyridizations, i.e. hybridizations are numbered, giving replicates the same number. \newline \code{"Control"}, \code{"Placebo"}, \code{"Low"}, \code{"Medium"} and \code{"High"} columns indicate array assigment to experimental groups, coding with 1 and 0 whether each array belongs to that group or not. } \references{ Heijne, W.H.M.; Stierum, R.; Slijper, M.; van Bladeren P.J. and van Ommen B.(2003). Toxicogenomics of bromobenzene hepatotoxicity: a combined transcriptomics and proteomics approach. Biochemical Pharmacology 65 857-875. } \examples{ data(edesignDR) } \keyword{datasets}