\name{edesign.OD} \alias{edesign.OD} \docType{data} \title{ Experimental design with a measured independent variable} \description{ code{edesign.OD} contains the experimental design of a E.coli growth time course microarray experiment with a temperature shift treatment. The OD of each culture was measured and used in the experimental design as independent variable. } \usage{data(edesign.OD)} \format{ A data frame with 52 rows and the following 4 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{OD}}{a numeric vector. Indicates the OD value of the sampled culture} \item{\code{Replicate}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{37}}{a numeric vector. No temperature shitf treatment} \item{\code{SHIFT}}{a numeric vector. Temperature shift treatment} } } \examples{ data(edesign.OD) ## maybe str(edesign.OD) ; plot(edesign.OD) ... } \keyword{datasets}