\name{CutCI} \alias{CutCI} \alias{CIrho} \title{Calculate confidence intervals for grouped values} \description{ \code{CutCI} groups values of one variable into intervals with the same number of observations each and computes confidence intervals for the mean of another variable in each interval. \code{CIrho} computes the normal theory confidence interval for a vector of values. } \usage{ CutCI(dat, number = 10, func = mean, alpha=0.95) CIrho(rho, alpha = 0.95) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dat}{a numerical data frame or matrix with two columns, the first of which gets averaged, and the second of which defines the grouping} \item{number}{the number of equal-count intervals} \item{func}{summary function for computing the mean} \item{rho}{a vector of measurements} \item{alpha}{the desired confidence level} } \details{ The quantiles for the confidence interval are taken from the standard normal distribution, so a reasonable number of observations per interval would be good. } \value{ \code{CutCI} returns invisibly a list of length three: \itemize{ \item{x}{the midpoints of the grouping intervals} \item{y}{the means within each interval, as computed by \code{func}} \item{yci}{a matrix with two columns, giving the lower and upper end of the confidence interval respectively} } \code{CIrho} returns a vector of length two, containing the lower and upper end of the confidence interval. } \seealso{\code{\link{co.intervals}}} \examples{ x = rnorm(100, mean=2) CIrho(x) y = 2 + 3*x + rnorm(100) cc = CutCI(cbind(x,y), number=5) print(cc) # Show it plot(cc$x, cc$y) arrows(cc$x, cc$yci[,1], cc$x, cc$yci[,2], length=0) } \keyword{utilities}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS