\name{readImaGeneHeader} \alias{readImaGeneHeader} \title{Read ImaGene Header Information} \description{ Read the header information from an ImaGene image analysis output file. This function is used internally by \code{read.maimages} and is not usually called directly by users. } \usage{ readImaGeneHeader(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{character string giving file name or path} } \details{ The raw data files exported by the image analysis software ImaGene include a number of header lines which contain information about the printing and scanning processes. This function extracts that information and locates the line where the intensity data begins. } \value{ A list containing information read from the header of the ImaGene file. Each Begin-End environment found in the file header will become a recursive list in the output object, with components corresponding to fields in the file. See the ImaGene documentation for further information. The output object will also contain a component \code{NHeaderRecords}giving the number of lines in the file before the intensity data begins. } \references{ \url{http://www.biodiscovery.com/imagene.asp} } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{\code{\link{read.imagene}} An overview of LIMMA functions to read data is given in \link{03.ReadingData}. } \examples{\dontrun{ h <- readImaGeneHeader("myImaGenefile.txt") names(h) h$NHeaderRecords h[["Field Dimensions"]] } } \keyword{file}