\name{convest} \alias{convest} \title{Estimate Proportion of True Null Hypotheses} \description{ Returns an estimate of the proportion of true null hypotheses using a convex decreasing density estimate on a vector of p-values. } \usage{ convest(p, niter = 100, doplot = FALSE, doreport = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{p}{numeric vector of p-values, calculated using any test of your choice. Missing values are not allowed} \item{niter}{number of iterations to be used in fitting the convex, decreasing density for the p-values. Default is 100.} \item{doplot}{logical, should updated plots of fitted convex decreasing p-value density be produced at each iteration? Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{doreport}{logical, should the estimated proportion be printed at each iteration? Default is \code{FALSE}.} } \details{ The proportion of true null hypotheses is often denoted pi0. } \value{ Numeric value in the interval [0,1] representing he estimated proportion of true null hypotheses. } \references{ Ferkingstad, E., Langaas, M., and Lindqvist, B. (2005). Estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses, with application to DNA microarray data. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series} B, 67, 555-572. Preprint at \url{http://www.math.ntnu.no/~mettela/} } \author{Egil Ferkingstad and Mette Langaas} \seealso{ See \link{08.Tests} for other functions for producing or interpretting p-values. } \examples{ # First simulate data, use no.genes genes and no.ind individuals, # with given value of pi0. Draw from normal distribution with mean=0 # (true null) and mean=mean.diff (false null). no.genes <- 1000 no.ind <- 20 pi0 <- 0.9 mean.diff <- 1 n1 <- round(pi0*no.ind*no.genes) n2 <- round((1-pi0)*no.ind*no.genes) x <- matrix(c(rnorm(n1,mean=0),rnorm(n2,mean=mean.diff)),ncol=no.ind,byrow=TRUE) # calculate p-values using your favorite method, e.g. pvals <- ebayes(lm.series(x))$p.value # run the convex decreasing density estimator to estimate pi0 convest(pvals,niter=100,doplot=interactive()) } \keyword{htest}