\name{vCoverHypergraph} \alias{vCoverHypergraph} \title{Approximate minimum weight vertex cover in a hypergraph} \description{Approximate minimum weight vertex cover in a hypergraph } \usage{ vCoverHypergraph(hg, vW=rep(1, numNodes(hg))) } \arguments{ \item{hg}{an instance of the \code{Hypergraph} class } \item{vW}{vertex weights} } \details{ Hypergraph \code{g} has non-negative weights on its vertices. The minimum weight vertex cover problem is to find a subset of vertices C such that C includes at least one vertex from each hyperedge and the sum of the weights of the vertices in C is minimum. This problem is NP-hard. We implement the greedy algorithm to approximate near-optimal solution, proposed by E. Ramadan, A. Tarafdar, A. Pothen, 2004. } \value{ A list of vertices from hypergraph \code{g}. } \references{ A hypergraph model for the yeast protein complex network, Ramadan, E. Tarafdar, A. Pothen, A., Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. 18th International. } \author{Li Long } \seealso{} \examples{ # to turn the snacoreex.gxl graph (from RBGL package) to a hypergraph # this is a rough example kc_hg_n <- c("A", "C", "B", "E", "F", "D", "G", "H", "J", "K", "I", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U") kc_hg_e <- list(c("A", "C"), c("B", "C"), c("C", "E"), c("C", "F"), c("E", "D"), c("E", "F"), c("D", "G"), c("D", "H"), c("D", "J"), c("H", "G"), c("H", "J"), c("G", "J"), c("J", "M"), c("J", "K"), c("M", "K"), c("M", "O"), c("M", "N"), c("K", "N"), c("K", "F"), c("K", "I"), c("K", "L"), c("F", "I"), c("I", "L"), c("F", "L"), c("P", "Q"), c("Q", "R"), c("Q", "S"), c("R", "T"), c("S", "T")) kc_hg_he <- lapply(kc_hg_e, "Hyperedge") kc_hg <- new("Hypergraph", nodes=kc_hg_n, hyperedges=kc_hg_he) vCoverHypergraph(kc_hg) } \keyword{ models }