\name{panel.hexloess} \alias{panel.hexloess} \title{Loess line for hexbin lattice plot} \description{ A panel function to add a loess line to a hexbin lattice plot. } \usage{ panel.hexloess(bin, w = NULL, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"), evaluation = 50, lwd = add.line$lwd, lty = add.line$lty, col, col.line = add.line$col, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{bin}{an object of class \code{hexbin}.} \item{w}{optional counts for object \code{bin}.} \item{span}{smoothness parameter for \code{loess}.} \item{degree}{degree of local polynomial used.} \item{family}{if \code{"gaussian"} fitting is by least-squares, and if \code{"symmetric"} a re-descending M-estimator is used.} \item{evaluation}{number of points at which to evaluate the smooth curve.} \item{lwd}{line weight graphical parameter.} \item{lty}{line type graphical parameter.} \item{col}{same as \code{col.line}.} \item{col.line}{line color graphical parameter.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to \code{\link[stats]{loess.control}}.} } \details{ } \value{ There is no return value from this function. The results are plotted on the current active device. } \author{Nicholas Lewin-Koh \email{nikko@hailmail.net}} \seealso{ \code{\link{hexbinplot}}, \code{\link{panel.hexgrid}}, \code{\link[stats]{loess.smooth}}, \code{\link[stats]{loess.control}}, \code{\link[lattice]{panel.loess}} } \examples{ } \keyword{hplot}