\name{hexViewport} \alias{hexViewport} \title{Compute a Grid Viewport for Hexagon / Hexbin Graphics} \description{ Builds a \code{grid} viewport for hexagon or \code{\link{hexbin}} graphics. This builds on the concepts of the \pkg{grid} package, see \code{\link[grid]{viewport}}. } \usage{% see ../R/hexViewport.R hexViewport(x, offset = unit(0,"inches"), mar = NULL, xbnds = NULL, ybnds = NULL, newpage = FALSE, clip = "off", vp.name = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \code{\link{hexbin}} object.} \item{offset}{a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object.} \item{mar}{margins as \code{\link[grid]{unit}}s, of length 4 or 1.} \item{xbnds, ybnds}{bounds for x- and y- plotting range; these default to the corresponding slots of \code{x}.} \item{newpage}{logical indicating if a new graphics page should be openend, i.e., \code{\link[grid]{grid.newpage}()}.} \item{clip}{simply passed to \code{\link[grid]{viewport}()}.} \item{vp.name}{name of viewport; defaults to random name.} } \details{ %... } \value{ an S4 object of class \code{"hexVP"}, see \link{hexVP-class} for more, with its main slot \code{hexVp} a \code{\link[grid]{viewport}} for grid graphics. } \seealso{\code{\link[grid]{viewport}} and the main \emph{\dQuote{handlers}} \code{\link{pushHexport}} and \code{\link[grid]{popViewport}}; further \code{\link{gplot.hexbin}} and \code{\link{hboxplot}} which build on \code{hexViewport}. } \examples{ set.seed(131) x <- rnorm(7777) y <- rt (7777, df=3) ## lower resolution binning and overplotting with counts bin <- hexbin(x,y,xbins=25) P <- plot(bin) xy <- hcell2xy(bin) pushHexport(P$plot.vp) i <- bin@count <= 3 grid.text(as.character(bin@count[i]), xy$x[i], xy$y[i], default.units = "native") grid.points(x[1:20],y[1:20]) # to show some points rather than counts popViewport() } \keyword{hplot}% ? \keyword{aplot}