\name{hexGraphPaper} \alias{hexGraphPaper} \alias{hgridcent} \title{Create a Hexgon Grid} \description{ Creates a hexagon grid that can be added to a plot created with grid graphics. } \usage{ hexGraphPaper(hb, xbnds = NULL, ybnds = NULL, xbins = 30, shape = 1, add = TRUE, fill.edges = 1, fill = 0, border = 1) hgridcent(xbins, xbnds, ybnds, shape, edge.add = 0) } \arguments{ \item{hb}{a object of class \code{"hexbin"}, typically produced by \code{\link{hexbin}(*)}.} \item{xbnds, ybnds}{horizontal and vertical limits of the binning region in x or y units respectively; must be numeric vector of length 2.} \item{xbins}{the number of bins partitioning the range of xbnds.} \item{shape}{the \emph{shape} = yheight/xwidth of the plotting regions.} \item{add}{a logical value indicating whether or not to add the grid to the current plot.} \item{fill.edges}{integer number of hexagons to add around the border} \item{fill}{the fill color for the hexagons} \item{border}{the color of the border of the hexagons} \item{edge.add}{offset (typically \code{fill.edges} above) used in \code{hgridcent}.} } \details{ If a hexbin object is given then the parameters xbins and shape are ignored. Different bounds can still be specified. The \code{fill.edges} parameter should be an integer. \code{fill.edges} takes the current grid and adds a layer of hexagons around the grid for each level of fill. So for example if \code{fill.edges= 2} than the dimensions of the grid would be \code{(i,j)+4}. \code{hgridcent()} is the utility function computing the resulting list (see section \dQuote{Value}). \strong{WARNING! If using a hexVP be sure to set clip to "on", otherwise the hexagon grid will bleed over the plot edges.} } \value{ Invisibly returns a list with th following components \item{x}{The x coordinates of the grid} \item{y}{the y coordinates of the grid} \item{dimen}{a vector of length 2 gining the rows and columns of the grid} \item{dx}{the horizontal diameter of the hexagons} \item{dy}{the vertical diameter of the hexagons} } \author{Nicholas Lewin-Koh} \seealso{\code{\link{hcell2xy}}, \code{\link{hexpolygon}}, \code{\link{grid.hexagons}}} \examples{ x <- rnorm(10000) y <- rnorm(10000,x,x) hbin <- hexbin(x,y) hvp <- plot(hbin,type="n") pushHexport(hvp$plot,clip="on") hexGraphPaper(hbin,border=grey(.8)) grid.hexagons(hbin) } \keyword{aplot} \keyword{dplot}