\name{hboxplot} \alias{hboxplot} \title{2-D Generalization of Boxplot} \description{ If \code{bin} is an \emph{eroded} \code{\link{hexbin}} object, i.e., an \code{erodebin} object, \code{hboxplot()} plots the high counts cells selected by \code{\link{erode}()}. By default, the high counts cells contain 50 percent of the counts so analagous to the interquartile \dQuote{range}. The function distinguishes the last cells eroded using color. These cells correspond to one definition of the bivariate median. %% FIXME ^^ (bad style, content +- ok) } \usage{ hboxplot(bin, xbnds = NULL, ybnds = NULL, density, border = c(0, grey(0.7)), pen = c(2, 3), unzoom = 1.1, clip ="off", reshape = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = "") } \arguments{ \item{bin}{an object of class \code{\link{hexbin}}.} \item{xbnds,ybnds}{global x- and y-axis plotting limits for multiple plots.} \item{density, border}{arguments for \code{\link{polygon}()} each of length two, the first for the median, the second for the other cells.} \item{pen}{colors (\dQuote{pen numbers}) for \code{polygon()}.} \item{unzoom}{plot limit expansion factor when \code{xbnds} is missing.} \item{clip}{either 'on' or 'off' are the allowed arguments, when on everything is clipped to the plotting region.} \item{reshape}{logical value to reshape the plot although \code{xbnds} and \code{ybnds} are present.} \item{xlab, ylab, main}{x- and y- axis labels and main title} } \value{ invisibly, the \code{\link{hexViewport}()} used internally. Used to add to the plot afterwards. } \references{ see in \code{\link{grid.hexagons}}.} \details{ The \code{density}, \code{border}, and \code{pen} arguments correspond to the \code{\link{polygon}} function calls for plotting two types of cells. The cell types, pen numbers and suggested colors are\cr \tabular{lll}{ TYPE \tab PEN \tab COLOR \cr cells of bin \tab 2 \tab light gray \cr last eroded cells of bin (median cells)\tab 1 \tab black \cr } The erode components of the hexbin objects must be present for the medians cells to plot. When \code{xbnds} is missing or \code{reshape} is true, the plot changes graphics parameters and resets them. When \code{xbnds} is missing the function also zooms in based on the available data to provide increased resolution. The zoom used the hexagon cell centers. The unzoom argument backs off a bit so the whole hexagon will fit in the plot. \code{Hboxplot()} is used as a stand alone function, for producing separate legends .....%%FIXME for \code{\link{hmatplot}()} and for panels in %% \code{\link{hmatplot}()}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{hexbin}}, \code{\link{erode}}, %\code{\link{smooth.hexbin}}, \code{\link{hcell2xy}},% \code{\link{hcell}}, \code{\link{gplot.hexbin}}, % \code{\link{hmatplot}}, \code{\link{grid.hexagons}}, \code{\link{grid.hexlegend}} } \examples{ \dontshow{set.seed(753)} ## boxplot of smoothed counts x <- rnorm(10000) y <- rnorm(10000) bin <- hexbin(x,y) erodebin <- erode(smooth.hexbin(bin)) hboxplot(erodebin) hboxplot(erodebin, density = c(32,7), border = c(2,4)) hp <- hboxplot(erodebin, density = c(-1,17), main = "hboxplot(erode*(smooth*(.)))") pushHexport(hp) grid.points(x[1:10], y[1:10])# just non-sense to show the principle popViewport() } \keyword{hplot}