\name{mergeProfilesLists} \alias{mergeProfilesLists} \title{Combines two lists of profiles into one} \description{ Combines two lists of profiles, that is two lists with three components, 'MF', 'BP', 'CC' into a single one. } \usage{ mergeProfilesLists(profilesList1, profilesList2, emptyCats = F, profNames = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{profilesList1}{First list to combine} \item{profilesList2}{Second list to combine} \item{emptyCats}{Boolean. Set to TRUE if there are empty categories that should be accounted for in any of the profiles} \item{profNames}{Names for the profiles (optional). If missing they are set to 'Frequency-1', 'Frequency-2',etc.} } \value{ A list of profiles with more than one column each. } \author{Alex Sanchez} \examples{ data(sampleProfiles) merged<-mergeProfilesLists (basicSingh01, basicWelsh01, profNames=c('Welsh','Singh')) } \keyword{utilities}