\name{cScale} \alias{cScale} \title{A function for mapping chromosome length to a number of points.} \description{ Given a number of points (generally representing the number of points on a plot's axis), and a vector of chromosome lengths - will generate a vector of the same length as the one passed in containing scaling factors for each chromosome. } \usage{ cScale(points, cLengths, method=c("max", "relative"), chrom) } \arguments{ \item{points}{The number of points to scale the chromosome length to.} \item{cLengths}{A vector of chromosome lengths.} \item{method}{Determines whether to use relative or absolute scaling. Default is "max" (absolute).} \item{chrom}{Which chrom to determine the scale for} } \details{ The scale factor is calculated in a manner based on the \code{method} argument. If method is \code{max}, the factor is derived by dividing the points argument by each chromosome's length (in base pairs). If the method chosen is \code{relative}, then the scale is determined by dividing the points argument by the maximum chromsome length, and applying that value to each chromosome. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{cPlot}}} \examples{ ## A bit of a hack to not have a package dependency on hgu95av2 ## but need to fiddle w/ the warn level to not fail the example anyways. curWarn <- options(warn=0) on.exit(options(warn=curWarn), add=TRUE) if (require("hgu95av2.db")) { z <- buildChromLocation("hgu95av2") for (sc in c("max","relative")) scale <- cScale(1000, chromLengths(z),sc,"Y") } else print("This example needs the hgu95av2 data package") } \keyword{utilities}