\name{cPlot} \alias{cPlot} \title{A plotting function for chromosomes.} \description{ Given a chromLocation object, will plot all the gene locations from that object. } \usage{ cPlot(plotChroms, useChroms=chromNames(plotChroms), scale=c("relative","max"), fg="white", bg="lightgrey", glen=0.4, xlab="", ylab="Chromosome", main = organism(plotChroms)) } \arguments{ \item{plotChroms}{An object of type chromLocation which contains all the gene information to be plotted.} \item{useChroms}{A vector of chromosome names to be used in the plot. Default is to use all the chromosomes from the plotChroms object.} \item{scale}{Passed on to cScale as it's scale argument. Determines whether the graph is scaled on a relative or absolute basis.} \item{fg}{The colour to be used for the genes. Default is white.} \item{bg}{The colour to be used for the background of the plot. Defaults to lightgrey.} \item{glen}{A scaling factor applied to the plotted length of each gene. Defaults to 0.4 - it is recommended that this not be set larger then 0.5 as it will cause overlap between chromosomes.} \item{xlab}{A label for the x axis.} \item{ylab}{A label for the y axis.} \item{main}{A main label for the plot.} } \details{ This function will first use the lengths of the chromosomes, stored in the object to create scaling factors for the X axis. Once the scaling factors are determined, the \code{chromLocation} object which is passed in is used to determine all the gene locations/strand information/etc, which is then plotted for the user. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{cScale}}, \code{\link{cColor}}, \code{\link[annotate]{chromLocation-class}}} \examples{ ## A bit of a hack to not have a package dependency on hgu95av2 ## but need to fiddle w/ the warn level to not fail the example anyways. curWarn <- options(warn=0) on.exit(options(warn=curWarn), add=TRUE) if (require("hgu95av2.db")) { z <- buildChromLocation("hgu95av2") if (interactive()) { par(ask=TRUE) } for (sc in c("max","relative")) cPlot(z,c("1","5","10","X","Y"),sc) } else print("This example can not be run without hgu95av2 data package") } \keyword{utilities}