\name{get.Zscore} \alias{get.Zscore} \title{Swap from Files} \description{ Read both files, but only extract the interested columns and create a Spot object. } \usage{ get.Zscore( spot, name, Zscore.min=NULL, Zscore.max=NULL, all=FALSE, envir) } \arguments{ \item{spot}{a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to read where each column represent the spot components.} \item{name}{a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to read where each column represent the spot components.} \item{Zscore.min}{column that represent Cy3.} \item{Zscore.max}{column that represent Cy5.} \item{all}{column that represent BgCy3.} \item{envir}{Environment where are the genArise variables.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{write.spot}}. } \keyword{file}