\name{Zscore} \alias{Zscore} \title{Z-scores for identifying differential expression} \description{ This function identify differential expressed genes by calculating an intensity-dependent Z-score. This function use a sliding window to calculate the mean and standard deviation within a window surrounding each data point, and define a Z-score where Z measures the number of standard deviations a data point is from the mean.} \usage{ Zscore(spot.object,type,window.size) } \arguments{ \item{spot.object}{A spot object} \item{type}{Type of analysis: "ri" is for a R-I analysis and "ma" is for M-A analysis} \item{window.size}{Size of the sliding window} } \value{ A dataSet object with attributes Cy3, Cy5, Id, Z-score.} \examples{ data(Simon) # Background Correction c.spot <- bg.correct(Simon) #Normalized data n.spot <- grid.norm(c.spot,23,24) #Filter spot f.spot <- filter.spot(n.spot) #Replicate filtering u.spot <- spotUnique(f.spot) #Zscore analysis s.spot <- Zscore(u.spot) } \keyword{arith} \keyword{math}