\name{DataSet-class} \docType{class} \alias{DataSet-class} \title{DataSet - class} \description{ A simple list-based class for storing red and green channel foreground, z-scores and the Ids. } \section{Creating Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("DataSet",sets, type)} where \code{sets} is a list containing Cy3, Cy5, Id and Zscore and \code{type} is "ri" or "ma". Objects are normally created by \code{\link{read.spot}}. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ This class contains no slots (other than \code{.Data}), but objects should contain the following list components: \tabular{ll}{ \code{Cy5}:\tab numeric matrix containing the red (cy5) foreground intensities. Rows correspond to spots and columns to arrays.\cr \code{Cy3}:\tab numeric matrix containing the green (cy3) foreground intensities.\cr \code{Id}:\tab Ids from all the observations.\cr \code{Zscore}:\tab The result of (R - mean) / sd that define an intensity-dependent Z-score threshold to identify differential expression. } All of these matrices should have the same dimensions. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class \code{list} so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. } \keyword{classes} \keyword{data}