\name{parameterTransform-class} \docType{class} \alias{parameterTransform-class} \title{Class "parameterTransform" } \description{ Link a transformation to particular flow parameters } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are created by using the \code{\%on\%} operator and are usually not directly instantiated by the user. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{.Data}:}{Object of class \code{"function"}, the transformation function. } \item{\code{parameters}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The parameters the transformation is applied to. } \item{\code{transformationId}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. The identifier for the object. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{transform}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{function}"}, by class "transform", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\%on\%}{\code{signature(e1 = "filter", e2 = "parameterTransform")}: Apply the transformation. } \item{\%on\%}{\code{signature(e1 = "parameterTransform", e2 = "flowFrame")}: see above } \item{parameters}{\code{signature(object = "parameterTransform")}: Accessor to the parameters slot } } } \author{ Byron Ellis } \keyword{classes}