\name{each_col} \docType{methods} \alias{each_row} \alias{each_row-methods} \alias{each_row,flowFrame-method} \alias{each_col} \alias{each_col-methods} \alias{each_col,flowFrame-method} \title{Method to apply functions over flowFrame margins} \description{ Returns a vector or array of values obtained by applying a function to the margins of a flowFrame. This is equivalent of running \code{\link{apply}} on the output of \code{exprs(flowFrame)}. } \usage{ each_col(x, FUN, ...) each_row(x, FUN, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{flowFrame}}.} \item{FUN}{the function to be applied. In the case of functions like '+', '\%*\%', etc., the function name must be backquoted or quoted.} \item{...}{optional arguments to 'FUN'.} } \author{B. Ellis, N. LeMeur, F. Hahne} \seealso{ \code{\link{apply}} } \examples{ samp <- read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "0877408774.B08", package="flowCore"), transformation="linearize") each_col(samp, summary) } \keyword{methods}