\name{kRepsOverA} \alias{kRepsOverA} \title{A filter function for at least k sets of replicates in a factorial experiment to have mean larger than A.} \description{ `kRepsOverA' returns a filter function with bindings for `k' and `A'. This function evalutes `TRUE' is at least `k' of the means of the replicates are larger than `A'. } \usage{ kRepsOverA(k, A = 100, INDEX) } \arguments{ \item{k}{The number of sets of replicates with mean greater than A.} \item{A}{The value to exceed. } \item{INDEX}{List of factors, each of the same length as the input vector. } } \value{ A function with bindings for `A', `k', and `INDEX'. } \author{Denise Scholtens } \seealso{\code{\link[genefilter]{kOverA}},\code{\link[genefilter]{pOverA}} } \examples{ library(affy) library(genefilter) data(estrogen) #select the replicates with values larger than 5 f1 <- kRepsOverA(1,5,INDEX=pData(estrogen)) genefilter(estrogen[1:30],f1) } \keyword{design } \keyword{univar }