\name{estrogen} \alias{estrogen} \docType{data} \title{Microarray Data from an Experiment on Breast Cancer Cells} \description{ Gene expression levels for 500 genes from a 2x2 factorial experiment on MCF7 breast cancer cells using Affymetrix HGU95av2 arrays. } \usage{data(estrogen)} \format{ An ExpressionSet object with 500 genes, 8 samples, and 2 variables. } \details{ The factors in this experiment were estrogen (ES: P or A) and length of exposure (TIME: 10 or 48 hours). Gene expression values were estimated using rma after quantile normalization (see the 'affy' package). Expression estimates are reported log base 2, as suggested by the rma method. } \source{ Scholtens et al. Analyzing Factorial Designed Microarray Experiments. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. To appear. } \examples{ data(estrogen) pData(estrogen) exprs(estrogen)[1,] } \keyword{datasets}