\name{xmapDatabase} \alias{xmapDatabase} \alias{xmapConnect} \alias{xmapDisconnect} \title{Connect/disconnect to an xmap database} \description{ \code{xmapConnect} connects to an instance of the xmap database. \code{xmapDisconnect} disconnects. If no parameters are specified, then the user is presented with a list of possible databases to chose from. Alternatively, the name of the database can be specified. Username and password can be specified if required; they are requested if they are needed but not specified in the function call. \code{xmapDatabase} provides the same functionality as \code{xmapConnect}; it is there for backwards compatibility. } \usage{ xmapConnect(name,username,password) xmapDatabase(name,username,password) xmapDisconnect() } \arguments{ \item{name}{The name of the database to connect to} \item{username}{The username to use} \item{password}{The password to specify for the connection} } \value{ Nothing. } \details{ The function looks in the file \code{databases.txt} for a list of possible databases and their connection details. For information about the contents of this file, see the package installation instructions. } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmapDatabase() xmapDisconnect() } } \keyword{misc} \author{C.J. Miller, M.J. Okoniewski} \references{\url{http://xmap.picr.man.ac.uk}}