\name{eddDist-class} \docType{class} \alias{eddDist-class} % [1] "B28" "B82" "CDFname" "CS1" % [5] "eddDistList" "edd.unsupervised" "genName" "LN01" % [9] "Mad" "med" "MIXN1" "MIXN2" %[13] "N01" "parms" "qfName" "qfun" %[17] "qmixnorm" "rmixnorm.alt" "stub" "T3" %[21] "tag" "testVec" "U01" \alias{plotlim} \alias{qfName} \alias{qfun} \alias{stub} \alias{tag} \alias{testVec} \alias{B28} \alias{T3} \alias{B82} \alias{CS1} \alias{CDFname} \alias{CDFname,eddDist-method} \alias{eddDistList} \alias{genName} \alias{genName,eddDist-method} \alias{LN01} \alias{U01} \alias{Mad} \alias{Mad,eddDist-method} \alias{med} \alias{med,eddDist-method} \alias{parms} \alias{parms,eddDist-method} \alias{qfName,eddDist-method} \alias{qfun,eddDist-method} \alias{stub,eddDist-method} \alias{tag,eddDist-method} \alias{latexTag} \alias{latexTag,eddDist-method} \alias{plotlim,eddDist-method} \alias{testVec,eddDist-method} \alias{testVec,numeric,eddDist,logical-method} \alias{qmixnorm} \alias{dmixnorm} \alias{pmixnorm} \alias{rmixnorm.alt} \alias{MIXN1} \alias{MIXN2} \alias{N01} \title{Class "eddDist" } \description{ objects from this class can be used to simulate or tabulate reference distributions for edd} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("eddDist", ...)}. These objects include a simple stub (like "norm", which can be modified to obtain the name of a generator (prepend "r"), cdf (prepend "p"), etc.) in R. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{stub}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} stub of a distribution system in R, to which "r" is prepended to get a generator, "p" to get a cdf, "q" to get a quantile function... } \item{\code{parms}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} named vector of parameters for a member of the family } \item{\code{median}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} median of the distribution (sometimes has to be computed by simulation) } \item{\code{mad}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} MAD of the distribution (sometimes has to be computed by simulation)} \item{\code{tag}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} an informative character tag } \item{\code{latexTag}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} an informative character tag in latex format, which can use subscripts, greek letters, etc. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{CDFname}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: prepend "p" to stub(x) } \item{genName}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: prepend "r" to stub(x) } \item{Mad}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{med}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{parms}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{qfName}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: prepend "q" to stub(x) } \item{qfun}{\code{signature(e = "eddDist")}: construct a quantile function from the object } \item{stub}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{tag}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{latexTag}{\code{signature(x = "eddDist")}: accessor } \item{testVec}{\code{signature(x = "numeric", eddd = "eddDist", is.centered = "logical")}: apply ks.test to a given vector x against the dist specified by the eddDist components } } } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } %\author{ ~~who you are~~ } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } % % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ % %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{~~fun~~}}, ~~~ % or\code{\link{CLASSNAME-class}} for links to other classes } \examples{ library(edd) eddDistList[[1]] qfun(eddDistList[[1]]) } \keyword{classes}