\name{DKSPredicted} \docType{class} \alias{class:DKSPredicted} \alias{DKSPredicted} \alias{DKSPredicted-class} \alias{plot,DKSPredicted-method} \alias{plot,DKSPredicted,missing-method} \alias{show,DKSPredicted-method} \alias{summary,DKSPredicted-method} \title{ Class to contain classification results from dksClassify } \description{ The function \code{\link{dksClassify}} calculates a score for each possible class (as determined by the \code{DKSGeneSet} passed to it) for each sample in the test set passed to the function. It then determines which class each sample most likely belongs to based on which of those scores is the largest. All this information is useful after the analysis, and so it is retained in the return object of class \code{DKSPredicted}. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{new("DKSPredicted", samples=new("vector"), predictedClass=new("factor"), predictedScore=new("vector"), scoreMatrix=new("matrix"))} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{samples}:}{A vector of sample names} \item{\code{predictedClass}:}{A factor specifying which class each sample belongs to based on the classification.} \item{\code{predictedScore}:}{A vector giving the score corresponding to the assigned class for each sample.} \item{\code{scoreMatrix}:}{The complete score matrix for future reference.} } } \section{Methods}{ Standard generic methods: \describe{ \item{\code{plot(DKSPredicted)}:}{Plot scores for each sample and class sorted, in turn, by each class.} \item{\code{plot(DKSPredicted,missing)}:}{Plot scores for each sample and class sorted, in turn, by each class.} \item{\code{summary(DKSPredicted)}:}{Display summary information for the classification.} \item{\code{summary(DKSPredicted, factor)}:}{Display summary information for the classification including the percent correctly classified (as specified by the factor).} \item{\code{show(DKSPredicted)}:}{Displays a table of scores and predicted classes for each sample.} } } \author{Eric J. Kort} \seealso{ \code{\link{DKSGeneScores-class}}, \code{\link{DKSClassifier-class}}, \code{\link{dksClassify}}. } \keyword{classes}