\name{assocAnalysis} \alias{assocAnalysis} \title{ Associative Analysis} \description{ assocAnalysis performs the Associative-T method of differential gene analysis. } \usage{ assocAnalysis(bAdjusted, numSlides, ctrl, exp, sdrefgrp, pctrl, pexpm,ctrlavjs, expmavjs, ctrlsds, expmsds, rgrplen) } \arguments{ \item{bAdjusted}{bAdjusted is a matrix of bias adjusted normalized microarray data.} \item{numSlides}{numSlides represents the total number of chips in the microarray experiment.} \item{ctrl}{ctrl is the number of control chips in the microarray experiment.} \item{exp}{exp is the number of control chips in the microarray experiment.} \item{sdrefgrp}{standard deviation of the computed refernce group.} \item{pctrl}{p values of the control chips on performin ttests.} \item{pexpm}{p values of the experiment chips on performin ttests.} \item{ctrlavjs}{averages of genes across all control chips.} \item{expmavjs}{averages of genes across all experiment chips.} \item{ctrlsds}{standard deviations of genes across all control chips.} \item{expmsds}{standard deviations of genes across all experiment chips.} \item{rgrplen}{total number of genes of the computed refernce group.} } \details{ AssociativeAnalysis performs the Associative-T method of differential gene analysis.The results are displayed in a 10 column matrix as follows Column Representation. 1 Gene Bank Id 2 Average Signal of the Control Chips/Channels. 3 SD of Control Chips/Channels. 4 Probability that a given gene in the Control Chips/Channels belongs or does not belong to background. 5 Average Signal of the Experimental Chips/Channels. 6 SD of Experimental Chips/Channels. 7 Probability that a given gene in the Experimental Chips/Channels belongs or does not belong to background. 8 P-value from a Student T-test. 9 P-value from an Associative T-test. 10 Ratio of mean expression values (Control/Experimental). 11 Group Number. Group Numbers are defined as follows:. A1 Expressed above background in both sample types, but over-expressed on the Experimental Chips/Channels. A2 Expressed above background in both sample types, but over-expressed on the Control Chips/Channels. A3 Expressed above background only on the Experimental Chips/Channel. A4 Expressed above background only in the Control Chips/Channel. 0 None of the above.} \value{ A matrix of 11 columns as described in the details and n rows where n stands for the number of genes in the microarray dataset. } \references{ Dozmorov I,Centola,M. An associative analysis of gene expression array data.Bioinformatics.2003 Jan22;19(2):204-11 Knowlton N,Dozmorov I, Centola M. Microarray data Analysis Tool box(MDAT): for normalization,adjustment and analysis of gene expression data.Bioonformatics. 2004 Dec 12;20(18):3687-90} \author{Choudary L Jagarlamudi} \examples{ #see refGroup for more details } \keyword{internal}