\name{cghMCR} \alias{cghMCR} \alias{sampleData} \title{The constructor for the cghMCR class} \description{ Instantiates a cghMCR object using the parameters passed. } \usage{ cghMCR(segments, gapAllowed = 500, alteredLow = 0.03, alteredHigh = 0.97, spanLimit = 2e+07, recurrence = 75, thresholdType = c("quantile", "value")) } \arguments{ \item{segments}{\code{segments} is a data frame extracted from the "output" element of the object returned by segment of the package DNAcopy or \code{\link{getSegments}}} \item{gapAllowed}{\code{gapAllowed} is an integer specifying low threshold of base pair number to separate two adjacent segments, belower which the two segments will be joined as an altered span} \item{alteredLow}{\code{alteredLow} is a positive number between 0 and 1 specifying the lower reshold percential value. Only segments with values falling below this threshold are considered as altered span} \item{alteredHigh}{\code{alteredHigh} is a positive number between 0 and 1 specifying the upper reshold percential value. Only segments with values falling over this threshold are considered as altered span} \item{recurrence}{\code{recurrence} is an integer between 1 and 100 that specifies the rate of occurrence for a gain or loss that are observed across sample. Only gains/losses with ocurrence rate grater than the threshold values are declared as MCRs} \item{spanLimit} {\code{spanLimit} is an integer that defines the leangh of altered spans that can be considered as locus. It is not of any use at this time} \item{thresholdType}{\code{thresholdType} is a character string that can be either "quantile" or "value" indicating wether \code{alteredLow} or \code{alteredHigh} is quantial or actual value} } \details{ The function is just a constructor of the \code{\link{cghMCR}} class for the instantiation of a cghMCR object } \value{ An object of the cghMCR class } \references{References on S4 class} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \note{The function is a contribution of The Center for Applied Cancer Science of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute} \seealso{\code{\link{cghMCR}}} \examples{ require("cghMCR") data("sampleData") segments <- getSegments(sampleData) cghmcr <- cghMCR(segments, gapAllowed = 500, alteredLow = 0.20, alteredHigh = 0.80, recurrence = 50) } \keyword{methods}