\name{screenMatch} \alias{screenMatch} \title{Matching the gene annotation of two screens} \description{ Match the annotation of two \code{cellHTS} objects in order to find the common gene-perturbing reagents } \usage{ screenMatch(screens, ids) } \arguments{ \item{screens}{a list of annotated cellHTS objects.} \item{ids}{a character vector of length two giving, for each cellHTS object, the name of the column of slot 'geneAnno' that should be used for the annotation IDs. See details.} } \details{ By default, if \code{ids} is missing, the column \code{GeneID} of the slot \code{geneAnno} of each of the \code{cellHTS} objects in \code{screens} is taken for the annotation IDs when comparing the two data sets. } \value{ A list with two components: \item{p.overlap}{a vector giving the proportion of overlap in the screens' annotation.} \item{isInBoth}{a list of logical vectors, each of which with length equal to the product between \code{nr. Well} and \code{nr. Plates} in each screen, indicating whether the respective gene-perturbing reagent of that screen is also present in the other.} } \author{Ligia Braz \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ ## Just for exemplification purposes, we consider the complete genome-wide screen "KcViab" ## and its first 3 plates ("KcViabSmall"): data(KcViab) data(KcViabSmall) screens <- list(KcViab, KcViabSmall) out <- screenMatch(screens) out$p.overlap sapply(out$isInBoth, sum) sapply(1:2, function(z) table(screens[[z]]$geneAnno$Plate[out$isInBoth[[z]]])) } \keyword{manip}