\name{getMatrix} \alias{getMatrix} \title{Create a matrix with replicate data in columns} \description{ Given an array of raw or normalized intensities (\code{xraw} or \code{xnorm}) of a \code{cellHTS} object, creates a matrix with the data from the chosen channel. } \usage{ getMatrix(y, channel=1, na.rm=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{y}{an array with four dimensions, such as the slot \code{xraw} or \code{xnorm} of a \code{cellHTS} object.} \item{channel}{a numeric value corresponding to the selected channel of \code{y}. By default, the first channel (that is, \code{y[,,,1]} is considered).} \item{na.rm}{Logical, indicated if the missing values should be omitted.} } \details{ Given as input an array \code{y} (e.g., the slot \code{xraw}, or \code{xnorm} of a \code{cellHTS} object) with dimensions \code{nr wells x nr plates x nr replicates x nr channels}, this function creates a matrix with the data for the chosen \code{channel}. Each replicate corresponds to a column of the output matrix. If \code{na.rm} is set to \code{TRUE}, only the positions with available values for all the replicates are given in the output matrix.} \value{ A matrix with the same number of columns as the number of replicates (third dimension of \code{y}). If \code{na.rm=FALSE} (the default), the number of rows of the output matrix is identical to the product between the first two dimensions of \code{y} (\code{nr wells x nr plates}). If \code{na.rm=TRUE}, only the rows with no missing entries in all the replicates (columns) are given.} \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(KcViabSmall) y <- getMatrix(KcViabSmall$xraw) } \keyword{manip}