\name{bdgpbiomart} \alias{bdgpbiomart} \non_function{} \title{Dataset with annotation of CG identifiers} \usage{data(bdgpbiomart)} \format{ Dataframe with 21888 rows and 11 columns \code{Plate}, \code{Well}, \code{HFAid}, \code{GeneID}, \code{chr_name}, \code{chrom_start}, \code{chrom_end}, \code{description}, \code{flybase_name}, \code{go_id}, \code{go_description}. } \description{ See the complete vignette \emph{End-to-end analysis of cell-based screens: from raw intensity readings to the annotated hit list}, Section \emph{Using biomaRt to annotate the target genes online} for details. The annotations were obtained on 8 September 2006. } \source{ BioMart webinterface to Ensembl 37. } \examples{ data(bdgpbiomart) } \keyword{datasets}