\name{getPacksAndViews} \alias{getPacksAndViews} \alias{permulist} %Undocumented code objects: % makeVocInfo pump tellSubTop tellSuperTop %Undocumented data sets: % gg oct05 \alias{makeVocInfo} \alias{pump} \alias{tellSubTop} \alias{tellSuperTop} \title{Parse VIEWS file for views and packages} \description{ Given a repository URL, download and parse the VIEWS file. } \usage{ getPacksAndViews(reposURL, vocab, defaultView, local=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{reposURL}{character vector giving the URL of a CRAN-style repository containing a VIEWS file at the top-level.} \item{vocab}{A \code{\link[graph]{graph-class}} object representing the ontologyof views. This graph should be a directed acyclic graph (DAG).} \item{defaultView}{A string giving the term to use for packages that do not list a term of their own via the \code{biocViews} field in the \file{DESCRIPTION} file.} \item{local}{logical indicating whether certain links should be absolute (using \code{reposURL}) or relative.} } \value{ A list with named elements: \code{views}: Vector of view memberships. Names are package names. \code{pkgList}: A list of \code{\link{PackageDetail-class}} objects. } \author{Seth Falcon} \keyword{utilities}