\name{create_profile_strings} \alias{create_profile_strings} \title{ Create a profile string for each group in an alignment } \description{ This function is used to analysis the amino acids at each position in the alignment. It can be used to analysis the columns that the bga analysis identified as interesting It creates a profile string, 1D vector which shows the number of amino acids at each position in an alignment for each group that has been defined } \usage{ create_profile_strings(x,y) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Matrix representation of alignment generated by convert\_aln\_amino } \item{y}{ Vector or factor that shows the group representation for each sequence in the alignment} } \examples{ library(bgafun) data(LDH.groups) data(LDH.amino.gapless) #run the analysis LDH.binary.bga=bga(t(LDH.amino.gapless+1),LDH.groups) #Get the important residues top_res=top_residues_2_groups(LDH.binary.bga) #To tidy up the results names(top_res)=sub("X","",names(top_res)) # and now look at the amino acid content in the alignment LDH.profiles=create_profile_strings(LDH.amino.gapless,LDH.groups) # and now look at only those columns that are identified by BGA #LDH.profiles[,(colnames(LDH.profiles) %in% names(top_res))] } \keyword{ manip }