\name{viewBeads} \alias{viewBeads} \title{View Beads} \description{ View an image of the beads in a certain region, optionally with links between neighbours or certain beads highlighted. } \usage{ viewBeads(BLData, array, x, y, xwidth = 100, ywidth = 100, neighbours = NULL, mark = NULL, markcol = "blue", markpch = 21, inten = TRUE, low = "black", high = "green", what = "G", log = TRUE, zlim = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{array}{integer specifying which strip/array to plot} \item{x}{numeric value - x co-ordinate to centre on} \item{y}{numeric value - y co-ordinate to centre on} \item{xwidth}{numeric value - width of square} \item{ywidth}{numeric value - width of square} \item{neighbours}{Neighbours matrix (optional) - if specified, links will be drawn between neighbours. (See \code{\link{generateNeighbours}}.)} \item{mark}{integral vector (optional) - a list of beadIDs to highlight.} \item{markcol}{The colour used for the highlighted beads.} \item{markpch}{The colour used for the highlighted beads.} \item{inten}{logical - if true, plot coloured circles, with shades corresponding to intensities. Intensities are retrieved using \code{\link{getArrayData}}, and the arguments below.} \item{low}{Colour used for low intensities.} \item{high}{Colour used for high intensities.} \item{what}{Data to be used - passed to \code{\link{getArrayData}}.} \item{log}{Data to be used - passed to \code{\link{getArrayData}}.} \item{zlim}{Limits to be used. Supply in form c(0,5).} \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{getArrayData}}.} } \details{ viewBeads plots the beads within the defined square region. Specifying a \code{neighbours} matrix will result in links between neighbours being plotted. Specifying a \code{mark} vector of beadIDs will result in the beads with these beadIDs being highlighted with a blue circular border. } \value{ Outputs to the active graphical device. } \author{Jonathan Cairns} \seealso{\code{\link{generateNeighbours}}} \examples{ ##data(BLData) ##o <- findAllOutliers(BLData,2) ##x11() ##viewBeads(BLData, 2, 1000,1200,250,250, mark = o) ## outliers in this ##region are marked in blue ##x11() ##viewBeads(BLData, 2, 1000,1200,250,250, mark = o, inten = FALSE) ## ##removing the intensities makes the outlier locations easier to see ##neighbours <- generateNeighbours(BLData, 2) ##x11() ##viewBeads(BLData, 2, 1000,1200,250,250, neighbours) ## observe that ##there are many missing beads in this region, affecting the neighbours ##algorithm } \keyword{hplot}