\name{plotXY} \alias{plotXY} \title{XY plots for two samples} \description{ Function which produces an XY plot of the intensities from two specified arrays. } \usage{ plotXY(exprs,array1=1, array2=2, genesToLabel=NULL, labelCol="red", log=TRUE,labelpch=16, foldLine=2,sampleSize=NULL,...) } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{a matrix of expression values} \item{array1}{integer specifying the first array to plot} \item{array2}{integer specifying the second array to plot} \item{genesToLabel}{vector of genes to highlight on the plot. These must match the rownames of \code{exprs}.} \item{labelCol}{plotting colours for highlighted genes} \item{log}{if TRUE the data will be log-transformed before plotting} \item{labelpch}{plotting characters for highlighted genes} \item{foldLine}{a numeric value defining where to fold change lines on the plot} \item{sampleSize}{The number of genes to plot. Default is NULL, which plots every gene.} \item{\dots}{other graphical parameters to plot that can be specified} } \details{ Plots the \code{array1} intensities versus the \code{array2} intensities for all probes. } \value{ A smoothed scatter plot is displayed on the current graphical device } \author{Mark Dunning} \examples{ data(BSData) plotXY(exprs(BSData), array1=1, array2=2) } \keyword{hplot}