\name{plotOnSAM} \alias{plotOnSAM} \title{Show variation between all 96 arrays} \description{ Function to show how quantities vary across all 96 arrays. eg mean intensity of a certain control probe } \usage{ plotOnSAM(values, mx = max(values, na.rm = TRUE), scale = max(values, na.rm = TRUE), min = 0, main = NULL, label = TRUE, missing_arrays = NULL, colour=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{values}{vector containing 96 numeric values to plot} \item{mx}{maximum value to display on y axis of plot} \item{scale}{numeric value giving the amount by which to divide all numbers by (eg for log2 intensities this should be 16) to transform to range 0 - 1} \item{min}{numeric value giving the minimum value to display on y axis} \item{main}{character string giving a title for the plot} \item{label}{boolean defining if the arrays are labeled on the plot} \item{missing_arrays}{vector of numeric values specifying the index of any arrays that have been removed from the SAM.} \item{colour}{if TRUE the hexagons will be plotted in colour} } \details{ Two plots are produced side-by-side. The first is a plot of the set of values against the index 1-96 and secondly we plot 8 x 12 hexagonal arrays with array number 1 being the hexagon in the top-left corner and array 96 in the bottom-right. The colour of hexagon is directly related to the value in v for the particular array number. An array which has a higher value in v will be coloured brighter. } \value{ Plot is produced on current graphical device. } \author{Mark Dunning} \keyword{hplot}