\name{plotBeadIntensities} \alias{plotBeadIntensities} \title{Plot bead intensities} \description{ Function to plot the intensities of all beads of a particular type on a strip/array. } \usage{ plotBeadIntensities(BLData, ProbeIDs, arrays, log = FALSE, whatToPlot="G", ProbeCols=NULL, ylim=NULL,...) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{ProbeIDs}{numeric value giving the ProbeID(s) for the bead type(s) to plot} \item{arrays}{integer (scalar or vector) specifying the strip(s)/array(s) to plot} \item{log}{if TRUE log2 intensities are plotted} \item{whatToPlot}{character string specifying which intensities to plot. Possibilities are \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"} for single channel data and \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"}, \code{"R"} and \code{"Rb"} for two-colour data} \item{ProbeCols}{vector of colour names to assign to each bead type} \item{ylim}{vector providing the upper and lower bounds for the y-axis in the plotting window} \item{\dots}{further graphical parameters to \code{plot}} } \details{ Boxplots of the specified intensities on the original or log-scale for each bead type specified by \code{ProbeIDs} on selected \code{arrays} is produced. A vertical line separates the intensities from different strips/arrays. } \value{ A plot is displayed on the current graphical device. } \author{Mark Dunning} \examples{ data(BLData) plotBeadIntensities(BLData, arrays=1:4, ProbeIDs=c(2,1000), log=TRUE) } \keyword{hplot}