\name{getArrayData} \alias{getArrayData} \title{Get raw data from a BeadLevelList object} \description{ Retrieves the raw bead data from a \code{BeadLevelList} object for a given strip/array. } \usage{ getArrayData(BLData, what="G", array=1,log=TRUE, method="illumina", n=3, trim=0.05) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{what}{character string specifying the values to retrieve. Possibilities are \code{"ProbeID"}, \code{"GrnX"}, \code{"GrnY"}, \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"} for single channel data and \code{"R"}, \code{"Rb"}, \code{"residR"}, \code{"residG"}, \code{"M"} (log-ratios) \code{"residM"}, \code{"A"} (average log-intensities) and \code{"beta"} (=R/(R+G)) for two-colour data} \item{array}{integer specifying the strip/array to use} \item{log}{if TRUE log2 of the raw intensities are returned (ignored if \code{what="beta"})} \item{method}{character string specifying the summarisation method to use in \code{createBeadSummaryData} (see help page for further details). Only used when \code{what="residR"}, \code{"residG"} or \code{"residM"}.} \item{n}{numeric value specifying the number of median absolute deviations (MADs) from the median to use as a cut-off for outliers. Only used when \code{what="residR"}, \code{"residG"} or \code{"residM"} and \code{method="illumina"}.} \item{trim}{fraction of intensities to remove from the bead summary calculations when \code{method="trim"}, or the fraction of intensities to set to the \code{trim} and 1-\code{trim} percentile intensities when \code{method="winsorize"}. Default value is 0.05. Only used when \code{what="residR"}, \code{"residG"} or \code{"residM"}.} } \details{ \code{getArrayData} retrieves the raw bead data from a given array. The data is either extracted from a \code{BeadLevelList} object (e.g. \code{"ProbeID"}, \code{"GrnX"}, \code{"GrnY"}, \code{"G"}, \code{"Gb"}, \code{"R"} and \code{"Rb"} or calculated from these values (e.g. \code{"residR"}, \code{"residG"}, \code{"M"}, \code{"residM"}, \code{"A"} or \code{"beta"}). When \code{log=TRUE}, intensity data is returned on the log2 scale. } \value{ A vector containing the raw bead data (or residuals) for a particular array. } \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ data(BLData) summary(getArrayData(BLData)) } \keyword{manip}